Monday, December 10, 2012

The Signature Christmas Movie

There is a movie for every season of my life, which may or may not be disconcerting.

But for the Christmas season there is only one movie that changes me every year. The acting, the music, the message, the entirety of it is simply beautiful.

The 1970 version of Scrooge with Albert Finney and Alec Guinness is my favorite Christmas movie of all time. It's almost a sacred experience for me and my family, which may sound silly, but honestly it's everything you could ever possibly want in a Christmas movie. A story about hope, love, compassion for all mankind, redemption and forgiveness.

My favorite part of the movie is probably the scenes with the Ghost of Christmas Present. After he takes Scrooge back home he very poignantly says "There is never enough time to do or say all the things that we would wish. The thing is to try to do as much as you can in the time that you have. Remember Scrooge, Time is short & suddenly, you're not there anymore."

My second favorite part is almost to the end where he sings about how he's going to take the time he has left to live and change things in his life.

I'll begin again
I will build my life
I will live to know that I've fulfilled my life
I'll begin today
Throw away the past
And the future I build will be something that will last....

I will start anew
I will make amends
And I will make quite certain that the story ends
On a note of hope
On a strong Amen
And I'll thank the world
And remember when
I was able to begin again! 

May we all remember it's never too late to change the path that we're on. There is still time to live a life fulfilled and to have as little regret as possible when we leave this life to meet our Maker.


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